EARLY INDUS VALLEY CIVILIZATION (circa 3500 - 2800 BC), Mother Goddess Figurine, c. 3500 - 2800 BCPlus de détails
Circle of Leonardo da Vinci (Anchiano 1452 - 1519 Amboise), Study of a bearded man in profile to the rightPlus de détails
Timoteo VITI (Urbino 1469 - 1523), Study of a female nude, seen from behind, facing right, Circa 1511Plus de détails
Studio of Raffaello Sanzio, called RAPHAEL (1483-1520), The Holy Family with the infant Saint John the BaptistPlus de détails
Attributed to Francesco PENNI (1488 – 1528), Study for a frescoPlus de détails
Paolo di Bernardino d'Antonio called Fra PAOLINO da PISTOIA (1488-1547), On recto: Virgin and Child with the infant St John the Baptist On verso: Virgin and Child, 1515Plus de détails
Italian School, late 16th century, Head of a Man and Écorché Studies of ArmsPlus de détails
Workshop of Michelangelo, possibly Piero d'ARGENTA (Active 1497 - 1530), Studies of Michelangelo’s Galli statue, from the front and behind back, and partial views (recto) Study after a lost drawing by Michelangelo for the Ignudo above the Eritrean Sibyl in the Sistine Chapel (verso), circa 1510-1520Plus de détails
Attributed to Vincenzo DE’ ROSSI (Fiesole 1525 - 1587 Florence), Study after Michelangelo’s DavidPlus de détails
Follower of Baldassare PERUZZI (Siena 1481 - 1536 Rome), The Assassination of the Emperor CaligulaPlus de détails
Bartolomeo PASSAROTTI (Bologna 1529 - 1592), Study of two legsPlus de détails
Attributed to Girolamo Mirola (Bologna? 1530/35 - 1570 Parma), A fantasy head composed of three bearded facesPlus de détails
Benedetto CALIARI (1538-1598), Portrait of womanPlus de détails
Giovanni Ambrogio FIGINO (Milan 1553 - 1608), Study after Farnese Hercules, 1570'sPlus de détails